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EXP 1- Virtual Co-Presence 

This experiment consists of performing 4 simple action-reaction exercises in front of the camera to tune into the feeling of time-delay-response, which in virtuality is marked by the connection conditions. How are these gaps experienced in rapid reaction communication exercises?

The four exercises are in sequence with each other and are intended to reflect on virtual interaction in “real time”. Furthermore, it seeks to discuss the criteria of virtual presence and co-presence, taking as a starting point the notion of the “face-to-face” encounter in Emmanuel Levinas.

Group 1 


Chair: Andres David Aparicio Alonso (UC Chile)

Discussant: Karen Waltorp (Copenhagen)


Group 2

Chair: Sylvia Martin (HKU) 

Discussant: Milena Grass Kleiner (UC Chile)

Erica Larson

Aesthetic experience as experiment:

Digital taste, smell, and connection

Ina Goel

Waiting as Fieldwork

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Sarah Busch


Glenda-Rose Layne

Reaching out

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Suzanne Morrissey


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